Tuesday 23 September 2014

Explanation of idea

During this week me and my partner have been drawing storyboards for the short film The Encounter. Drawing these storyboards have helped us by knowing what we are going to do for this film. The storyboard has also helped us deiced the settings, lighting and the duration of the scene. The storyboard shows what mine and my partners short film is about  which is, me running from someone and going to Chloe for help, before me and my partner started drawing on the storyboards we first made a shot list of the things that we are going to record and the shots and angles that we was going to use, we also decided where the match on action was going to be and also where the shot reverse shot was going to be. For the storyboard me and my partner split it up so that I was doing half and she was doing half. 

The camera techniques that my group used were close ups to show the persons facial expressions and how they react to what the other person has to say, we also used mid shots when we done shot reverse to see some of the persons body language and how they react to what the other person has to say, we also used a long shot to see what the person in the scene was doing and how they was act to something they saw or done, we also used things like match on action, shot revers shot and 180 degree rule.

The editing techniques that my group planned to use were fade in at the beginning and a fade out at the end this shows when the film is about to begin and when it is going to end, we also decided to use quick cuts during the short film to make the film have more suspense and be more interesting, this will then make the audience want to watch this short film as it will not be a film that has the same shots for a long time, some of the shots will be fast and some will be slow so they will vary in speed so that the audience will not be board. In the short film i used match on action when Chloe opened the door, i also used shot reverse shot when me and Chloe was having a conversation, i then used 180 degree rule by ensuring that Chloe was always on the left and that i was always on the right.

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