Friday 3 October 2014

Edit Workshop Evaluation

In our film we used the 180 degree rule by keeping Chloe on the left and keeping myself on the right whilst recording, we also had to make sure that whilst we was recording from outside that I was all ways on the right or slightly to the right so that when Chloe came on the screen it did not look like we had switched places so that it would not confuse the audience that are watching.

We used the rule of thirds by putting the lines on the camera when we was recording so that our eyes were a third down the screen, on the shots were someone was running for example we had to make sure that if we was panning that the persons eyes were always a third down the screen.

In this short film we used match on action when Chloe had to open the door to let me in we did this by filming the scene twice but from different angles so that when we edit it we can cut it to the right place so that it looks like we done a cut to the shot of her opening the door.

The challenges that I faced during production was filming the same scenes more than once as we had to do from different angles, the things that I would change is to do it at night so that it makes it more effective and also I would make sure that we film more so that when it comes to editing I can choose from more instead of not having enough footage to pick and choose from, for example the close up of my feet running around the corner.

The challenges that I faced during post production were making sure that mine and my partners storyboards matched so that they made sense, the things that I would most likely have changed was the location. 
The overall strengths in my work - Creativity - This was one of my strengths as the types of shots that we used were quite unique for example when there was a close up of my feet running around the corner. This was also unique as when
there was a flash back I changed the affect so that it looks like it was in my head.

Planning and research - This was one of my strengths as when me and my partner was planning it out we had a unique idea that someone would be running from someone else and that we would have a flash back to see what the person was running from we also added some unique shot types and angles during the planning and research stages.
Digital Technology - This was one of my strengths as I was telling the person who was filming the scenes where to place the camera and if they would go on the wrong side i would explain that we could not break the 180 degree rule and that they had to go on the other side of the person. 
Post Production - This was one of my strengths as during the editing I had used the software that we edited on before so it was simple to use. This was good as I also had some help to see other editing techniques that I could use on the video to make the video look the best of its possibility.

The overall weaknesses in my work - Creativity - This was one of my weaknesses as me and my partner could have expanded on are idea so that it would be more creative. Planning and research links into the creativity weakness as by finding out more things the creativity side could have been better and been expanded more.
Digital technology - My weakness for this was not being behind the camera, but if I was to be behind the camera I could have gotten more experience from using the camera.
Post Production - This was one of my weaknesses as I did not have as much footage as I needed to have to edit the scenes so that they looked more effective.

The overall improvements that I would make on my work is to film the scene for longer than I did before, I would be a bit more creative than I was before and I would also try to get behind the camera more. 

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