Wednesday 22 October 2014


Me-vid Evaluation


During pre-production I had to make a script so that I knew the shots and locations that I was going to do, it was easier this way as when it came to filming I knew what shots I could do on what days and what shots I had to do on the other days. This was also easier as I had to think about the angles and shot types that I was going to do beforehand so when it came to filming I did not have to think there and then about the types of shots. Planning this video alone has made me more independent as in shots 75-82 I had to film these scenes alone.

Another skill that has been improved on is creativity as the shots that I thought of was quite creative and also the location of the shots were creative and shows that I was thinking outside the box, for example having jump cuts whilst I was in the tree, and myself doing a round off, front hand spring and back handspring backwards, or example on shot 18 I decided to be on the miami heats basketball court as  i enjoy basketball a lot and thought that it would be different and unique to add this in.


During production the skills that I have learnt/ improved are, my camera techniques as I tried out new things like high and low angles more often than I did previously, which then means that I will then become better at using these angles and use them in any other projects that I have to do in media for example in shot 84 I decided to use a low angle instead of a straight.

 Another skill that I have learnt is using a jump cut, to do this I had to record me saying a word and then when I edit it, it will end up as me saying a sentence but with cuts after each word witch adds an affect to the video as it shows that I am using different skills to make my video unique. 

Jump Cuts


During post-production the skills that i have learnt/ improved on are using Live type which is very good for graphics as you can make the words move around and change the font and size of the text. This is also good because if you have a picture or a video and you want to put a graphic on top, there is an object button were you then put a small box and write what you want in there and save it, and when it comes to putting the graphic on to Final cut express only the box and name will come up on the picture.
Here is an example of my graphic

Here is an example of me using livetype
Another thing I learnt how to use was Final cut express this is good for editing as you can make the scene that you want rotate, or speed up or slow down, you can also make the scene that you want go in reverse, for example I used this in one of my shots where I do the round off, front hand spring and back handspring, also when using Final cut express if you are using green screen you can edit it and put your background there using chroma key to get rid of the green and make it black. 

The skills I have learnt

The skills that I have learnt/ improved on that will help me with my music video production, is  having to create scripts to help us know what shots we are doing and where they will be located and also what type of shot that it will be for example close up or long shot etc.

 Another thing that will help with the music video is Final cut express as we will be editing on this program and as we have used it before it will give us and advantage as we will know what to do and how to use the program.

The final thing that can help us with the music video production is Live type as we will be needing to make graphics for the music video and as we have used this previously it should not be hard to use. 

Friday 3 October 2014

Edit Workshop Evaluation

In our film we used the 180 degree rule by keeping Chloe on the left and keeping myself on the right whilst recording, we also had to make sure that whilst we was recording from outside that I was all ways on the right or slightly to the right so that when Chloe came on the screen it did not look like we had switched places so that it would not confuse the audience that are watching.

We used the rule of thirds by putting the lines on the camera when we was recording so that our eyes were a third down the screen, on the shots were someone was running for example we had to make sure that if we was panning that the persons eyes were always a third down the screen.

In this short film we used match on action when Chloe had to open the door to let me in we did this by filming the scene twice but from different angles so that when we edit it we can cut it to the right place so that it looks like we done a cut to the shot of her opening the door.

The challenges that I faced during production was filming the same scenes more than once as we had to do from different angles, the things that I would change is to do it at night so that it makes it more effective and also I would make sure that we film more so that when it comes to editing I can choose from more instead of not having enough footage to pick and choose from, for example the close up of my feet running around the corner.

The challenges that I faced during post production were making sure that mine and my partners storyboards matched so that they made sense, the things that I would most likely have changed was the location. 
The overall strengths in my work - Creativity - This was one of my strengths as the types of shots that we used were quite unique for example when there was a close up of my feet running around the corner. This was also unique as when
there was a flash back I changed the affect so that it looks like it was in my head.

Planning and research - This was one of my strengths as when me and my partner was planning it out we had a unique idea that someone would be running from someone else and that we would have a flash back to see what the person was running from we also added some unique shot types and angles during the planning and research stages.
Digital Technology - This was one of my strengths as I was telling the person who was filming the scenes where to place the camera and if they would go on the wrong side i would explain that we could not break the 180 degree rule and that they had to go on the other side of the person. 
Post Production - This was one of my strengths as during the editing I had used the software that we edited on before so it was simple to use. This was good as I also had some help to see other editing techniques that I could use on the video to make the video look the best of its possibility.

The overall weaknesses in my work - Creativity - This was one of my weaknesses as me and my partner could have expanded on are idea so that it would be more creative. Planning and research links into the creativity weakness as by finding out more things the creativity side could have been better and been expanded more.
Digital technology - My weakness for this was not being behind the camera, but if I was to be behind the camera I could have gotten more experience from using the camera.
Post Production - This was one of my weaknesses as I did not have as much footage as I needed to have to edit the scenes so that they looked more effective.

The overall improvements that I would make on my work is to film the scene for longer than I did before, I would be a bit more creative than I was before and I would also try to get behind the camera more. 

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Explanation of idea

During this week me and my partner have been drawing storyboards for the short film The Encounter. Drawing these storyboards have helped us by knowing what we are going to do for this film. The storyboard has also helped us deiced the settings, lighting and the duration of the scene. The storyboard shows what mine and my partners short film is about  which is, me running from someone and going to Chloe for help, before me and my partner started drawing on the storyboards we first made a shot list of the things that we are going to record and the shots and angles that we was going to use, we also decided where the match on action was going to be and also where the shot reverse shot was going to be. For the storyboard me and my partner split it up so that I was doing half and she was doing half. 

The camera techniques that my group used were close ups to show the persons facial expressions and how they react to what the other person has to say, we also used mid shots when we done shot reverse to see some of the persons body language and how they react to what the other person has to say, we also used a long shot to see what the person in the scene was doing and how they was act to something they saw or done, we also used things like match on action, shot revers shot and 180 degree rule.

The editing techniques that my group planned to use were fade in at the beginning and a fade out at the end this shows when the film is about to begin and when it is going to end, we also decided to use quick cuts during the short film to make the film have more suspense and be more interesting, this will then make the audience want to watch this short film as it will not be a film that has the same shots for a long time, some of the shots will be fast and some will be slow so they will vary in speed so that the audience will not be board. In the short film i used match on action when Chloe opened the door, i also used shot reverse shot when me and Chloe was having a conversation, i then used 180 degree rule by ensuring that Chloe was always on the left and that i was always on the right.

Friday 5 September 2014

My Summer

During the summer I enjoyed the following films The peeples. The reason why I enjoyed this film is because it denotes me as a person, as outgoing, spontaneous and crazy. The things that i enjoyed about the film was that in the beginning of the film the main character Wade was singing to young children about how to say when they need to go instead of going in there pants. The other part of the film that i really enjoyed is when Wade finds out that his girlfriends family does not know anything about him and he also finds out later on in the film that his girlfriends family all have issues.

Another film that I enjoyed watching during the summer holidays was Think Like Man 2. This was an enjoyable film as when the group arrive in LA they straight away split into groups of girls and boys. The funny part of the film is when the boys and girls end up in jail, the reason why this is funny is because they all end in jail because they all end up going to a strip club by accident, and then end up having a fight with the staff there, in the end they go to jail and stay the night and end up missing the time for there friends wedding.
This is the jail scene with the actor Kevin Heart.

The song that I loved listening to during the holidays was a remake of John Legends All Of Me by Jah Cure, the reason why I liked this song so much is because the lyrics are beautiful to listen to and it is a song that just relaxes me and makes me feel good about myself, another reason that i enjoyed this song is because it has a reggae beat as the tune instead of John Legends tune, this is something I can relate to as I mostly listen to reggae and other things like that. One more thing i like about this song is that you can play it as loud as you want and would like to repeat the song over and over as it just has a very nice and relaxing sound to it.

A TV programme that i liked to watch was love and hip hop the reason why I enjoyed this is because it was very entertaining for me as there was quite a few arguments between some of the girls as one of the girls boyfriends cheated with her friend and then got shot by another person on the street. This programme was quite good as there was one episode when one couple made a video but then a porn company got hold of it and changed it into something that it was not supposed to be, after that all of there friends saw the video that the porn company changed the video to and all of there friends were disappointed at them as they never expected something like that to come from the girl especially. 

The website I most used during my holidays was facebook as I went on holiday and wanted to keep in contact with all my friends and family I like facebook because it is easy to talk to people, you can now video call people and also voice call people so if I ever wanted to speak to my friends without typing i would just voice call them and talk for hours. The reason why i like facebook is because i can add pictures when ever i wanted to and also post a statues about what i am doing during the day or during the night.

The story in the news that most surprised me was when the black boy in America got shot and killed by the police, this was very surprising as the police was never prosecuted for shooting him. Fox news represented this as the police officer was fretted and that is why he shot the boy, Fox news is quite racist as they represent the boy as being fattening to the police officer where as from other stories the boy apparently did not do anything him and his friend was walking in the road and the police man told them to get off the road. BBC news represents this as just facts they just want the facts and that's about all. Another disappointing thing about this story is that when an black American reporter was doing his work and speaking about this to other people the man was then arrested by the police.